What is a Protopian Future?

Welcome! This platform is the place for anyone who believes we can create a better future, and for those of us who are actively making that happen.

Most of us are familiar with the concept of Utopia – a perfect, but impossible world, and Dystopia a cataclysmic future which nobody wants to happen. Another option is Protopia  a future where everything just keeps getting better year after year.

The word Protopia was coined by Kevin Kelly, the co-founder of Wired Magazine in 1993, and served as its Executive Editor for its first seven years.  Protopia is a future better than today — but not perfect. Protopain societies are ones which slowly and steadily improve the quality of life of their inhabitants. Major  challenges are addressed, including climate change, disease, poverty, urban strife, and supply chain break downs. This website, Protopian Futures,  highlights viable solutions which are already  proven on small scales. These technologies give us  new options to address food production, water treatment, green building, and renewable energy, which when combined, would create a viable framework for a more sustainable world.

A Positive Future is only limited by our imaginations.

Inspiring image of several elements of a protopian future city

Images of a Protopian Future

Eco Urban Streetscape

Visionaries have imagined how our cities could be altered or built from the ground up to reflect a more sustainable and human centered lifestyle.

Green Market

It is not enough to have a vision. Without a plausible bridge, a strategy to get there, few people will leave the familiar for the sake of what could be.

– Zev Paiss